International Asteroid Day 30 Jun

Materials to increase public awareness and educate people about the dangers and issues surrounding asteroids

Informing the general public about asteroids and their characteristics and all matters related to these asteroids is one of the actions that should be placed on the agenda of researchers and officials to raise public awareness about public issues and dos and don’ts. The people should be informed about the possible accidents and the risks and consequences after they hit the ground.

In order to provide you with more information about asteroids, we invite you to read this article and enjoy learning about asteroids.

History of The World Asteroid Day

Realistically, we don’t have exact information about how long asteroids have been floating around the solar system. We may not even know exactly when the first asteroid hit Earth.

However, scientists believe that the age of asteroids goes back tens of millions of years.

The size of the asteroids can be small or very large, so that they may be about 10 meters to even more than 500 meters wide.

If we want to compare it with the mass of the Earth, the total mass of all the asteroids that have been discovered so far in our solar system will have a mass less than the mass of the Earth’s moon.

Scientists believe that about sixty-five million years ago, a huge asteroid fell to the earth in an area in Mexico.

Some scientists think that the reason for the extinction of the dinosaurs could have been the collision of this asteroid with the Earth.

The size of this asteroid that collided with the earth may have been the size of some small countries in the world.

So that this asteroid has left a 150-kilometer crater in which the edge of a mountain the size of the Himalayas is formed around it.

Then, the next asteroid collision with the Earth that we know of happened in 1908 in a desert in the Siberian region.

The event occurred in Siberia in a region known as Krasnoyarsk and was classified as an impact event by scientists. This asteroid has not left any impact crater on the earth. Since this asteroid left no traces of its impact on the Earth, scientists believe that it may have disintegrated before hitting the Earth’s surface.

The latest recorded asteroid event

However, the Tunguska event is the largest asteroid impact recorded by eyewitness accounts. But the last recorded event of an asteroid impact with the Earth was an asteroid impact in Russia, which occurred in 2013. This asteroid collision also happened in the Siberian region and people who remember it are still alive and remember it.

No one was directly harmed by the collision of that asteroid with the earth, but due to the explosion that happened as a result of the collision of this asteroid, a large number of people were injured and damaged.

World Asteroid Day was named by the great scientist and physicist Stephen Hawking and a host of other scientists and researchers, including the Apollo 9 astronaut, a filmmaker and Brian May – Queen guitarist and also an astrophysicist. June 30 was chosen as World Asteroid Day because this date is the anniversary of the 1908 asteroid impact in Siberia.

This day was officially named in 2014 with the support of more than 200 astronauts. However, it took another two years to be recognized by the United Nations in 2016.


Source : DaysOfTheYear