During the millions of years that have passed since the natural history of the earth until today, the earth has witnessed many changes on the land and seas as well as its climate. In general, throughout the history of the earth from the beginning until now, in addition to the destructions that humans have done on it, a series of natural events have also caused the destruction of biological resources on the planet over time. Events such as floods that cause soil erosion and loss of flora and fauna as a result, as well as very strong earthquakes that lead to cracks or destruction in parts of the earth. Other natural cases of destruction on the planet can be the eruption of active firemen and the fall of molten materials to the surface of the earth and changing the ecosystem of areas that have volcanic mountains.
But over the centuries, the earth has witnessed a change in the basic structure on its surface and a change in the living conditions for all living things on this planet due to natural events as well as the destruction done by humans.
Today, according to the destructions that have occurred on the planet, it is time to look for ways to save the earth from the danger of destruction, otherwise the future of humans on the planet will be in danger. we will face The planet earth has a natural environment called ecosystem. The ecosystem includes various parts that make up its overall structure. The ecosystem includes humans, weather, oceans and seas, galaxies, rocks, plant life, mountains, natural glaciers, and fire.
But today, with the advances in science and technology, mankind has been able to prevent the destruction of obstacles and the environment to some extent. In recent years, the use of materials such as plastic, oil, metals, and rubber has increased greatly due to their use in the engineering and construction industry. These materials are used in various industries, including shipping industries, cotton factories, plastic industries, automobile manufacturing industry, coal mines. Production of heavy machinery. Other items are used that cause very destructive effects and can be mentioned as one of the non-environmentally friendly items.
Environmental issues can no longer be played. Even though humans hold meetings for environmental problems, air pollution, garbage, or polluted water, you should think about the fact that it is us humans who are responsible for creating these unfavorable conditions that lead to the destruction of the environment and biological problems. We have become an environment. Some environmental issues that can have a destructive effect on humans and the environment Here we mention some of the catastrophic environmental issues that, if not dealt with in time, can cause the destruction of human life and also the extinction of various species of animals and vegetation.
Air and land pollution
More than half of the world’s people are aware of climate pollution, but they still don’t know how to deal with the dangers caused by it. The noteworthy point is that pollution is not only limited to water, soil and noise, but visual pollution and light sources have also been added to it. Unfortunately, it must be admitted that all these pollutions happened because of the destructive actions of us humans.
Water pollution is mainly due to the discharge of chemicals into the seas and oceans, oil spills and urban sewage. It can also be caused by fumes emitted from vehicles and burning of fossil fuels. But the biggest cause of water pollution can be due to industrial waste.
weather changes
Today’s climate change is not considered as a climate process, but because of its correct and incorrect use, it causes very harmful consequences such as the greenhouse effect, global warming, exploitation of the coal industry, etc. Climate change has caused very large destructive effects, such as the emergence of new diseases, the permanent extinction of some plant species, and the melting of polar ice.
global warming
In recent years, the earth’s temperature has increased due to the use of greenhouse gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor and other gases. These gases trap heat, which causes the greenhouse effect. In this way, the effect of these gases causes the earth to heat up, and this causes the earth to remain warm enough for living organisms to survive. On the other hand, without these gases, the earth will be too cold for life to continue. During the recent years, the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere has increased rapidly and few gases enter the space outside the earth’s atmosphere.
Deforestation and cutting down trees
The rapid growth of the population has caused the increasing human demand for food, clothing and shelter in recent years. So that this increase has reached a threefold growth in the last few decades. This growing growth and demand has caused the phenomenon of deforestation. Deforestation means clearing and destroying vegetation and trees, which causes the permanent cover of forests to be destroyed only to use its land for industrial agricultural purposes or to create urban and residential structures.
According to the reports of the World Food Organization, about 7.3 million hectares of forest are destroyed by humans every year. With the continuation of this trend for a long time, we will definitely witness an increase in global temperature, soil erosion, increase in earth temperature, floods, climate imbalance, and the extinction of various species of animals and plants and many other destructive effects on the environment.
population increase
Another issue that causes the destruction of the environment is population growth. Population increase can cause many problems such as deforestation, urban sprawl, land pollution, gender imbalance, resource crisis and water pollution. Also, excessive production due to the increase in population causes an increase in greenhouse gases, which is another dangerous effect caused by the increase in population.
Despite the fact that some countries are making a lot of efforts in the field of population control, it is very difficult to control this phenomenon at the global level. The problem of population increase in the last century has become a global problem and it is far from the mind to find a 100% practical and correct solution to solve this problem.
Industrial and household waste
According to the obtained statistics, several tons of waste are produced every year by families in every corner of the world. Of this amount of waste, part of it that can be recycled is sent to recycling units and another part of this waste is buried or sent to third world countries. Due to the increase in population, the demand for food and housing will inevitably increase, so this will lead to more production, which will lead to the production of more waste that is buried. These wastes are buried in large sites that are built underground in cities for this purpose, and underground waste disposal creates serious environmental concerns. Landfilling degrades soil quality and affects wildlife. It also seriously endangers human health and causes air pollution and climate change.
Acid rain
Acid rain is called rain that becomes acidic due to the presence of some pollutants in the air. These pollutants enter the atmosphere by cars or smoke from industrial factories and settle on the ground when it rains or snows, as well as when there is fog. Acid rain may also be caused by rotting vegetation, fires, bacterial decomposition, volcanic eruptions, and lightning that produces nitrogen dioxide.
Acid rain can also be caused by man-made resources. For example, burning fossil fuels produces toxic gases such as nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide, which enter the earth’s atmosphere. Acid rain has a destructive effect on the facade of buildings over time, and it also endangers the life of aquatic animals, destroys forest vegetation and people’s health.
Depletion of the ozone layer
The ozone layer is a gas layer that is mainly composed of ozone. The molecular structure of ozone consists of three oxygen atoms. This layer is located at a distance of 20 to 30 km from the earth’s surface in the stratospheric layer. The ozone layer prevents 95-99% of excessive ultraviolet rays from reaching the earth’s surface.
Over the past years, human industrial activities, as well as the smoke caused by machines and the production of harmful greenhouse gases, have caused a sharp decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer. The most important reason for the destruction of the ozone layer is the excessive entry of chlorine and bromine gases into the earth’s atmosphere.
Genetic Engineering
In recent years, genetic engineering and modification of humans, animals, and food products have been mentioned as one of the most important human achievements. But in principle, this issue has a very destructive and harmful effect. It can be said that its harmful effects are far more than the benefits it can have. Genetic modification of food and animals causes genetic contamination and endangers human health and causes genetic changes in humans.
oil leak
Oil spill is another type of pollution that happens by pouring liquid oil into ocean water due to human activities. One of the biggest oil spills in history happened in 2010, and its oil remains in the oceans. This huge oil spill, which is known as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, was caused by an oil leak from an oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. This leak was caused by the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform that belonged to the British Oil Company on April 20, 2010. As a result of the explosion of this platform, 11 workers working on this oil platform disappeared. After three days of searching for the men, the Coast Guard called off the search because there was little chance of them surviving.
In the last 10 years, we have seen many oil spills in the oceans, but unfortunately, no serious measures have been taken to prevent such incidents from happening again in the future.
Hydraulic fracturing
In hydraulic fracturing, during a process, millions of gallons of water are pumped underground along with sand and chemicals at high pressure to create enough pressure to break and create cracks in the rocks. With this fracture created in underground rocks, humans can release gas from underground and achieve gas extraction. Hydraulic fracking or hydraulic fracturing can increase water pollution, spread toxins on the surface of the seas, create droughts, and lack the need and encouragement to use renewable resources and other things.
Depletion of natural resources
Experts have been able to exploit oil and gas resources and extract the required fuels by drilling on the earth’s crust. As we all know, these resources exist in a limited form in nature, and in case of continuous extraction and more than the allowed amount, they will cause air pollution and global warming.
Despite repeated warnings by researchers and scientists that these fuels are non-renewable and will run out in the next 50 years, this issue is still unimportant to oil companies and they continue to extract their oil and gas resources.
water crisis
According to the reports of researchers and scientists, only 2.5% of the world’s water resources are sweet and can be used by humans. However, we only have access to 1% of this amount of water, which is trapped in natural glaciers and snowfields. To be more precise, we only have access to 0.0007% of the Earth’s water for all nutritional and fuel needs for more than 6.8 billion people on this planet. According to the World Health Organization, 1 out of every 3 people worldwide does not have access to drinking water. The water crisis occurs for various reasons, including water pollution and climate change, and causes lack of hygiene, diseases, livestock and agricultural problems, increased deaths and the occurrence of wars, as well as malnutrition.
The reduction of natural resources and the increase of pollutants are the reasons that encourage people to find a place similar to the earth.
Mankind has always sought to create smooth conditions for life on earth, therefore, this desire and need of man for the survival of life on earth has caused him to use natural resources excessively and this causes destruction and Energy resources and fossil fuels have been exhausted. But in a way, human beings have always sought to discover new ways for their survival and have made significant progress in this field. One of the ways that humans have had for an alternative way to escape from the crisis of future life on earth is to find a place with conditions similar to the earth where vital signs similar to the earth can be found. Therefore, mankind has thought of exploring other galaxies and planets to find a place for life.
The search for extraterrestrial life has just begun, but encouraging results have been observed. There are many planets in the galaxies discovered in the world that are very similar to our planet. But still, what has not been discovered is more than what has been discovered by mankind so far. Observations obtained from the earth and space and thousands of planets beyond the solar system confirm our statements. Our galaxy probably contains trillions of planets, but so far we have no evidence of life more advanced than life on Earth.
Is life in the universe easily formed and normal or extremely rare?
During the past thousands of years, mankind has been thinking about how the world and the planets and stars in the sky came into being, but we are the first people to know that the stars beyond our sun are full of planets. These planets are of different types in terms of structure and appearance, and the number A significant number of them are the size of the Earth. However, the answer to the question of which of these extrasolar planets have some kind of life, how fast the origin of life can start and how long it takes to complete it, raises more questions will create for us.
Among the trillions of planets, are we alone at home?
During the past centuries, the earth was known as the center of the universe, but with the passage of time and the development of astronomy and space science, this theory fell. During the discoveries and studies carried out in the last few hundred years, this theory has undergone transformations, and now in the age of rapid discoveries, we have realized that the Earth is probably only one of the trillions of planets in the Milky Way galaxy.
However, the land is still outstanding and unique in its kind so far. Among the thousands of extrasolar planets – planets around other stars – that have been confirmed by NASA’s very powerful telescopes, and despite extensive explorations in the solar system, our planet is still the only planet that hosts life.
However, it seems that the diverse forms of life on Earth can be seen in almost every corner of it, from the bubbling and burning pools of Boston National Park to the dry canyons of Antarctica, these signs of life may be several hundred. million years after the formation of the earth according to geological studies.
The human effort to find life on other planets has just begun, but we have been able to make encouraging achievements during these few years, including the fact that there are many planets in the galaxy, many of which are very similar to They have land. But again, it must be said that what we do not know is much more than what we know.
Doc Hudgens is one of NASA’s extrasolar exploration program scientists. He recently said at the NASA headquarters in Washington that we are looking to do more research on Earth-like planets. According to what we know, the planet earth was not the way we see it from the beginning. Over billions of years, its appearance has changed and various plant and animal species and gases have been added to the earth’s life cycle over time. For this reason, according to the observations that we have observed about the presence of water and vital signs on Mars and some planets in galaxies far away from the Milky Way by space telescopes and sent satellites, then it is also possible that like the Earth, Over the years, we will be able to witness the signs of the life of various creatures on the planets that have early life.
Searching for life
What we know today is that so far we have identified about 4000 extrasolar planets in our galaxy, and out of this number of extrasolar planets, about a fifth of them, which are within the range of the Earth, have a higher chance of having signs of life in them. . What we know today is that the building blocks of the universe exist throughout the solar system and the universe. These signs also include the presence of water. But what we don’t know is how quickly and easily life begins and how long this time lasts. Therefore, the more we advance in our intelligent life, the more the range of our questions will be. And it will be more.
The speed of life formation in other planets can exceed the speed of light or at a slower speed than the speed of light. Our galaxy could easily be populated by a space civilization in a few million years at a time. As the Milky Way galaxy is about 14 billion years old, while it took 4 billion years for technological intelligence to emerge on our planet. It should also be noted that there are many systems and planets of the same age as well as much older systems in our galaxy. Therefore, the hope of finding planets with vital signs and the existence of life in Earth-like planets is still very strong.
NASA has decided to deploy space telescopes, instruments, probes, landers, rovers and advanced technologies to other planets in the coming years. The goal of this extensive research is to find a blue and white marble, or perhaps an orange marble, a living planet and signs of breathing.
The recent findings of scientists show that one of the 7 planets that revolve around a small star called Trappist 1 (mother star) may have life similar to life on Earth. Trappist 1 (mother star) that is in It is 39 light-years away from the Earth, this star is a dwarf star with a cool temperature, whose mass is approximately 9% of the mass of the Earth’s Sun, and its volume is approximately Babar with 12% of the Earth’s Sun’s radius. According to scientists, this ultra-cool star hosts at least 7 rocky planets that are the size of Earth or smaller.
Researchers at the University of Washington have concluded that all seven exoplanets most likely evolved like Venus, which means that any water or ocean on Each of these seven planets evaporated at the beginning of the formation of the system.
As a result of the investigation of these planets, the seven planets of Trappist 1 (mother star) have a dense atmosphere and this will make it uninhabitable. According to this statement, one of these planets, called Trappist 1, may have liquid water on its surface, which could indicate the presence of life on it, such as planet Earth.
According to the research of Washington University UV scientists, the planet Trappist 1 is located in a region that is hot enough to have liquid water on its surface due to the suitable distance of this planet from the star Trappist 1 (mother star). Therefore, it is located at a distance from the sun and in an area that is habitable, so it is potentially similar to the life that we know on earth.
One of the scientists of this project, named Linkonsky, believes that this may be possible if the planets of the Trappist 1 star (mother star) had more water than Earth, Venus or Mars at the beginning of the formation of this system. Therefore, if the Trappist 1 planet did not lose its water during the formation of this system, today it can be like a blue globe whose surface is completely covered by an ocean. In this case, it can have the same climate as Earth.
One of the reasons why the star Trappist 1 (mother star) is very important for us is that, first of all, this star has 7 planets the same size as the planet Earth, which revolve around the star (its sun) like the Earth. On the other hand, three 7 of these planets are located in the habitable zone, and on the other hand, this ultra-cold dwarf is only 40 light years away from Earth, which is a very good point because it can be studied more easily and from On the other hand, many vital signs have been observed on Planet Trappist 1, which gives us hope to have a fresh and alive Earth and be able to live on it in the future.
Solutions to prevent further destruction of land
The main reason for the destruction of the environment is the wrong habits of humans in dealing with nature or their lack of awareness about better and healthier ways of living. Although the environment has been damaged throughout history and this issue is not only related to recent years. But the time has come to help mother nature to recover. Today, people should learn about things like reducing the amount of consumption, reusing and recycling, and by doing so, they can prevent further destruction of the planet to some extent. So with the passage of time and the progress of science, we can learn ways to help us live more sustainably. One of these methods is the change in our daily lifestyle, which may have a great impact on improving the environmental conditions of the earth by spending less money.
Talk about environmental information and related news with your friends and acquaintances. The more we talk to people about the correct methods of using the environment and natural resources and our consumable items, as a result, they will also come up with solutions and methods. and new choices are introduced, in which case they can make informed decisions about consuming anything with a wider perspective. Therefore, we can change our lifestyle and leave many of our bad habits and get rid of them. Let’s make a better place to live.
One of the solutions that can help to improve environmental conditions is to change the way we travel and transport. For example, instead of using private cars, you can use public transportation. Using a bicycle can also be a very good solution, because by doing so, you can save fuel and natural resources, and you have worked hard for your physical health. By using these methods, the amount of greenhouse gases is significantly reduced, and in this way, we have significantly contributed to less global warming.
Another way is to watch your eating habits. If there is something left from our previous meal, don’t throw it away and try to prepare another meal with the leftovers. Today, the problem of lack of food and hunger has endangered the lives of millions of people around the world. Therefore, we should be careful about the meals we consume and use enough to prevent the production of more and extra food, help feed others and put less pressure on the planet.
By growing plants and foods by ourselves or buying from local and rural stores that produce their products without chemical and organic fertilizers, we prevent the use of more chemical poisons that are used in the production of edible items, and as a result, improve We will help a lot by maintaining the climate and keeping them clean and improving the quality of the soil.
Replace high-consumption products with low-consumption products. For example, LED lamps can be replaced with old lamps. Therefore, we will need less natural resources for fuel.
Prioritize the purchase of second-hand equipment. By buying second-hand equipment, we will prevent participation in the mass production of needed equipment and items and prevent the destruction of the environment. Buy from stores that have second-hand items and be sure that you will enjoy using them just as much, but you will also spend less money on buying those items. Buy recycled products. By purchasing recycled products, we will support companies that prioritize the health of our planet.
Use less plastic bottles. According to reports and documents, a huge part of environmental waste is made up of plastic bottles. These bottles can have a great impact on destroying the planet and killing animals and causing pollution and unpleasant waste.
Try to consume less water daily. Today, the world is facing a serious crisis of potable and usable water. We can do the wrong ways at home to prevent the wastage of water and save on its consumption. For example, use a glass of water while brushing your teeth. When taking a shower, shorten the shower time and close the water tap when you don’t need water. These are just some of the small measures that can help save hundreds of liters of water daily.
Soil likes to be fed like us. By using discarded food scraps as natural fertilizer, you can use them to improve soil quality and help plants grow.
Use of synthetic fuels
In recent years, mankind has been able to make changes in fuel consumption along with the progress of science. In this regard, it has been able to take a step to help preserve natural resources and prevent further pollution of the earth and its climate by replacing old fuels with less polluting fuels. This has been an initiative to reduce greenhouse gases. produce alternative fuel sources such as compressed natural gas, methanol, ethanol or electricity to replace fuel materials such as ordinary gasoline that cause the release of toxins in the air. These types of alternative fuels release less toxins in the air than regular gasoline. However, the level of pollution and the amount of emissions of pollutants in each type of fuel are different compared to alternative fuel. One of the factors that can affect the amount and manner of pollutant release is geographical location. It is necessary to decide which fuel to use and where according to the geographical location and climatic conditions.
Research and evidence have shown that if the government allocates subsidies to people for the use of new fuels, then the level of people’s willingness to use these types of fuels will increase, if they want to tax old fuels such as gasoline. Let’s assume that this issue will not have much effect on the consumption of fossil fuels.
On the other hand, electric and hydrogen vehicles do not produce greenhouse gases by themselves, but the emission of greenhouse gases due to the use of electric and hydrogen vehicles depends on the local fuel source for electricity generation.
Research has shown that electric vehicles based on plug-in hybrid batteries and fuel cell technologies greatly reduce or eliminate the direct use of oil in transportation. And in most cases, it significantly reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases in conventional cars.
Compared to conventional cars, electric cars have higher initial costs, lower fuel costs, and lower maintenance and repair costs, and in some cases, they can have higher insurance costs than conventional gasoline cars. According to research carried out in Japan, it shows that by changing the direction towards the use of small electric vehicles, the emission of greenhouse gases will decrease significantly. It reduces the consumption of energy and materials and costs. Experts point out that governments can support emerging markets. Incentivize manufacturers, make it easy to own and use electric vehicles. With these methods, we can increase public trust and improve the regulation of electric vehicle charging, so that with this method we can help a lot to avoid waste and use of fossil fuels and protect natural resources.
What is the purpose of the team?
As we know, science and engineering techniques are progressing day by day and this rapid progress of human science unconsciously increases the need to use fossil fuels. Therefore, finding solutions to deal with the indiscriminate use of these fuels can help a lot in preventing the destruction and depletion of these fuels. By finding ways to use different devices and showing effective ways of saving, it is possible to prevent the wastage of different resources to a large extent.
Considering that currently human life is moving towards industrialization and the use of new sciences, it is necessary to overcome the problems caused by the misuse of fossil fuels and the excessive use of natural resources. Let’s seek to be able to hear the call of nature asking for help from humans to save it from destruction. Our team strives to take a step forward by providing world-class science in these fields and by publishing news anx providing the research of scientists and researchers, as well as showing various sollutions to our fellow human beings regarding the correct use of natural resources. In order to save the earth from the distructoins and try to make the earth a better place to live by creating more culture un these fields.
And finally, the goal of our team is to helping to have a better world for always, increasing awareness, creating culture, and raising the economic level of our fellows, and at least making a better world and a better life to live.