The date of April 22 has been called Earth Day and protection of the environment. Earth Day was coordinated for the first time on April 22, 1970, and now for many years, a wide variety of events and commemorations related to Earth Day are held around the world. This anniversary is coordinated in 193 countries at the same time among 1 billion people in the world.

As threats to the Earth increase, so do global initiatives seeking to preserve it, whether through volunteer work, donations, or political lobbying.

Earth is in trouble due to human activities. The ozone layer is being destroyed, ecosystems are being destroyed, and people are dying of hunger and dehydration. Endangered species are rapidly disappearing, our climate is increasingly polluted, and climate systems are under severe pressure.

It’s a scary picture indeed, but luckily we can all do something about it! Earth Day, one of the first global initiatives to protect and preserve the Earth, has become an annual event that strives for positive change on a global scale. It aims to inspire individuals, communities, businesses and governments around the world to take action and help save the planet.‌‌

History of Earth Day

As the world’s largest environmental movement and most celebrated secular occasion, Earth Day has grown from strength to strength throughout its history, with more than 1 billion people and more than 75,000 partners each year in nearly 200 countries.

Founder Gaylord Nelson, a former US senator, came up with the idea after witnessing an oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969. Inspired by the strength of the student anti-war movement, he believed that it was necessary to transfer energy to concerns about air and water pollution.

Originally intended as an educational event on campus, Sen. Nelson enlisted youth activist Denise Hayes to help organize the first Earth Day in 1970, and the couple celebrated April 22 because of where the fall school year, they chose and ensured that the maximum number of field days students could attend.

Nelson, Hayes, and their team were able to spread the message everywhere, including in the national media, promoting events across the United States. The event was a huge success and 20 million Americans took to the streets to celebrate the first Earth Day. They demonstrated in support of the cause, and groups that had previously rallied separately around environmental issues came together on that day because of their shared values.

The first Earth Day helped put environmental protection on the political agenda and drive change. That same year, the United States Environmental Protection Agency was established, and several laws were passed soon after, including the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts.

It was in 1990 that Earth Day became global, spreading the message to 200 million people in more than 140 countries. By the millennium, it had reached more than 180 countries and involved hundreds of millions of participants worldwide. And of course, 2020 was the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.

Earth Day 2016 was a special year, as it heralded the adoption of the Paris Agreement by the United Nations. The international treaty, signed by 175 countries, set legally binding targets for dealing with the climate emergency and ensured that as many countries as possible worked together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent global warming. The earth cooperates.

As a day of action, Earth Day aims to promote the environment through participation, activism, education, policy change and peaceful protest. Over the years it has focused on various topics such as climate change, trees, clean water and a healthy environment for children and numerous organizations and venues that host events that showcase the importance of caring for the environment.

This vital day teaches people about the consequences of their behavior on the places and ecosystems in which they live. And it’s not just about its destructive effects on the environment, but about the impact on people’s health, access to food and water, safety and livelihoods. To participate, people choose conscientious changes such as recycling more, using renewable fuels and saving water.‌‌

How to celebrate Earth Day

There are a host of activities you can take part in to celebrate this momentous occasion, not only around the world but even in space! The Earth Day website allows people around the world to find and share events designed to celebrate the day, from presentations and film screenings to cleanups and conservation efforts. This means Earth Day enthusiasts can join their local cause or on the other side of the planet! And NASA often hosts an event from the International Space Station, for example a live image of our beautiful Earth for all to see.

Another great way to celebrate Earth Day is to learn about what your actions are doing to the environment and why preserving Earth’s ecosystems is critical to our survival. There are countless resources online—articles, quizzes, documentaries, and more—to help us all learn more about our precious planet and the role we can play in protecting it.

If we feel we can, why not donate through the official Earth Day website or to another environmental charity? Your support for a wide range of campaigns and projects, including pushing governments and businesses towards greener policies, preventing destructive practices such as deforestation and mining for fossil fuels, and protecting communities most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. are, will help. You can also volunteer for local environmental groups and really make a difference where you live.

Most importantly, this occasion should not be just a day, but a regular habit! Even the simplest changes in our lifestyle can make a real difference. Go to an eco-friendly search engine, buy fruit and veg from a shop that isn’t wrapped in plastic, and wear an extra jumper instead of turning on the heating.

If you’re serious about the planet, then there’s more you can do to live a greener, more sustainable life, including powering your home with renewable energy, cycling and walking more and driving less (or buying an electric vehicle), your meat and seafood, recycling your waste, planting wildflowers in your garden for bees and butterflies, and making sure your financial investments, for example your pension fund, contribute to green jobs and the green economy slow Be sure to spread the word about National Earth Day on social media and let your friends and family know why protecting the Earth is important to you.

In line with the goals of the Trappist group to raise awareness in order to preserve the planet, we felt it necessary to take a small step in this direction and join the same path with all the people of the world on this day.‌‌


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