A gift day is a sign of love and its importance in life

Gift giving is one of the customs that has existed for a long time in all societies and still continues. This custom actually expresses the love and respect we have for another person or persons and is a sign of friendship and intimacy we have with those people.‌‌

The importance of giving gifts in life is due to many reasons. The first and most important reason is that giving a gift shows that we care and respect a person. Gift giving can also strengthen the relationship between two people and increase the feeling of closeness and friendship between them. Also, giving a gift can be a form of appreciation for someone who plays an important role in our lives. It can make someone else feel good and remind them of us.

Finally, gift giving can also be a way to express love and affection to another person. When we give someone a gift, we are actually giving them a reason that we love them and care about them. Finally, gift-giving is one of the customs that has always existed in life and still continues. This custom shows that we care about our connections and relationships with others and want to strengthen them.‌‌

Why is gift giving important?

Gift giving is one of the global customs that has been maintained since the past until today and is used in many different cultures and nations as a sign of respect, gratitude, appreciation and gratitude. Here are some of the benefits of gift giving:

1. Creating effective relationships and communications

Gift giving can improve your relationship with others. By giving gifts to others, you show that you care about them and consider them important to you. This can lead to more effective and friendly communication with others.

2. Strengthening business relations

Gift giving is also very important in business relationships. By giving gifts to customers, you show that you care about them, and this can increase customer satisfaction and, as a result, increase your sales.

3. Increasing joy and happiness

Receiving a gift can help increase your happiness and the happiness of others. By giving a gift, you can make others feel good and this work can increase your happiness and happiness.‌‌

The effect of giving gifts to users to increase efficiency

Giving gifts from a company to its users can have very positive effects on the users’ performance. In the following, we will mention some of these effects:

1. Increase user satisfaction

Giving gifts to users can increase their satisfaction with your services and products. This increase in satisfaction is because users feel that you care about them and this can lead to them trusting you more.

2. Increase user productivity

Giving gifts to users can increase their productivity. This increase in efficiency is because users may use your services and products more often to use the gift.

3. Encourage users to buy

Giving gifts to users can encourage them to buy your products. This incentive is because users may be looking to buy your products to receive a gift.

4. Increase brand recognition

Giving gifts to users can increase your brand awareness. This increase in awareness is because users may talk about you and your products to their friends and acquaintances, and this can increase your brand awareness.

Overall, gifting to users can have many positive effects on their performance and provide great value to them‌‌.

The purpose of giving gifts to the users of a company may be for various reasons such as increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, attracting new customers, encouraging customers to buy more, increasing brand recognition and increasing sales. By giving gifts to customers, the company can show that the value of customers is very important to it and in this way it can establish a better relationship with customers.

Actually, “Gift Day” does not officially exist as a day to give gifts to others. However, in many societies, there are days when people give gifts to each other, such as religious, cultural and national festivals. Also, many people give gifts to others on special occasions such as birthdays, Eid, weddings, etc.

For this reason, considering the benefits of gift giving and its effects on friendships and business relationships, we decided to introduce May 15th as a gift day and register it in the Trappist calendar so that on this day there is a reason to give and receive gifts and Actually an excuse to feel good.‌‌