It can be said that the history of Donate dates back to very distant years and people used to volunteer to help the poor in some way in the past. But little by little, people came to the conclusion that by creating charities, they would have a better chance of collecting donations to help the poor. In this way, by taking help from rich people or famous people, they can encourage people to help the poor. ‌‌

At the end of the 18th century, people’s interest in creating institutions related to Donation increased. Little by little, Donte supporters came to the conclusion that helping rich people to poor people should be a duty in their lives. This belief made the humanitarian aid of the rich to some extent improve the lives of the poor. Institutions active in the field of donate were also able to directly help the people to donate, as well as guidance to improve their financial conditions, as well as the many ways they offered to people to donate to poor people.

In the middle of the 19th century, Donation became very widespread among the people. At that time, some of the institutions that had undertaken this task were very different in terms of size and performance. Some institutions related to Donate also had more branches. One of the largest charities in the 19th century, it had around 150 branches that received many local donations. Some Donates related institutions around the world were collecting donations for certain people. Helping the sick, the war victims and the needy were all parts of charity that had activities in the field of Donate.

In the history of charity in the world, it has been seen that the institutions that have been responsible for this task have played a big role in building hospitals. These institutions started their activities 900 years ago. One of the oldest hospitals built by charity on behalf of the people is that of Winchester, founded in 1136. The hospital still cares for the elderly and gives bread and sweets to passers-by.

A history of Donate in Europe

In medieval Europe, the church was responsible for organizing and promoting relief for the poor, and it was not until the 16th century that governments began to assume this responsibility. In England, the first legislative measures to reduce poverty were introduced in the late Tudor period.

Aid was provided not to the whole society and among the people, but only to the poor and disabled people. The government’s way of helping the people was to make churches responsible for spending taxes on good causes. However, even in that period there were small Donit institutions.

In the study of the history of world charity, Europe played a very colorful role. During this period, the European governments had adopted a benevolent way, which was not the right way to help the people according to the businessmen.

Of course, they helped people financially and many private charities were run with their support. The philosophy of these enlightened businessmen was that people should be helped to get themselves out of this life situation. They also played a major role in the comprehensive reconstruction of the European education system.

At that time, the work ethic of the middle class demanded sacrifice, honesty, thrift, and charity. This public opinion was in stark contrast to the corruption associated with the church and government policies.

History of world institutions and charities in the 19th century

Charity was practiced on a large scale in Europe until the 19th century, mainly as a result of bequests made in the wills of wealthy merchants and others who were philanthropically minded. As a result, many cities still had almshouses for old men and women. At that time, many schools were also established as a result of charitable activities. This type of charity grew indiscriminately in societies and among people.

At that time the city of London, as well as the church and market towns, were often well provided for by charities. However, the newer industrial cities had very few influential charities.

The role of donation in World War

By the start of World War, I, it was widely agreed that governments should play a greater role in helping the poor. These contributions should be accompanied by pension payments to the needy and the elderly. Nevertheless, in the two world wars, by creating the belief that the governments believe that in the conditions of war, the society should be organized and provided by the central management, these actions were carried out exclusively. In this period, the government played a more important role in helping to patients and vulnerable groups of society.

The history of charity in the world during World War showed the importance of charitable actions among the people of the world. After the Second World War, the governments considered these measures to be completely consistent with their philosophy and continued this management process forever. Before the Second World War, the institutions charged with the duty of Donate assumed the additional responsibility of caring for hundreds of thousands of poor people. After this period, helping poor people was considered a duty for the government.