History of lottery

The first signs of fortune that have been seen in the world go back to the golden age of the Chinese Empire and during the Han Dynasty of China. At that time, lottery by selling cards called kino was popular among people. These sheets are actually published with the aim of financial assistance to the Chinese government to fulfill important goals such as the construction of the Great Wall of China.

There are also signs of the existence of lotteries in ancient Rome. At that time, the government of the Roman Empire earned income through the sale of lottery tickets, and through the sale of these lottery tickets during the reign of a Caesar named Augustus. they have paid attention to the maintenance of the city of Rome.

The origins of modern lotteries

As mentioned, the roots of today’s lotteries can be traced back to the days of the Roman Empire, where emperors gave gifts to party guests through a sort of lottery system.

 But how were these lotteries?

The first recorded lotto game began in the Italian Republic of Genoa in the 16th century. Lotteries were held annually to select five out of 90 candidates for the Senate. For the price of a pistol, citizens guessed which five names would be chosen. The person with exactly five names won a jackpot prize. Later, names were replaced by numbers and Lotto was born.

The lottery of early Europe and America

Early lotteries provided players with ways to entertain and amuse themselves, but they also provided a source of funding for various projects. In 15th- to 17th-century Europe, money from lottery sales funded everything from construction and charity to financial aid for the North American colonies.


Americans also entered the lottery business. In fact, a lottery allowed the first American colonists in Jamestown to raise enough money to keep the colony going through the winter. After the Revolutionary War, lotteries became very popular because they provided a way for people to pay for the rebuilding of towns and cities as well as other projects without being taxed.


The United States began to grow and so did the lottery industry. In the late 1700s to mid-1800s, public and private lotteries came and went as the government tried to crack down on cheating through licensing requirements. Many states outlawed lotteries due to mismanagement and illegal practices

The rebirth of American lotteries

The North American lottery industry was revived in 1964 when New Hampshire started a lottery. Just six years later, the face of lotteries changed as the New Jersey Lottery formed a retail network and began using ticket machines to produce tickets. In the late 1970s, the games that lottery players know and love appeared on the scene – Instant Tickets and Lotto Online (Massachusetts). and daily numbers game (New Jersey).