United Nations Peacekeepers Day

In today’s world, one of the most serious and important issues that are discussed at the international level is the phenomenon of globalization. Globalization speaks of new beginnings, new discourses, new world views and a new world in general.

The phenomenon of globalization has been able to significantly affect the lives of the people of the world, both in positive and negative ways. The current of globalization has affected the life of different human societies in the economic, social, political and cultural dimensions and has caused the emergence of various challenges in human life.

Today, we are witnessing that human societies have faced many conflicts, transformations and problems from various economic, cultural, political and social aspects, which may seem complicated and difficult to solve.

Ratification of treaties and compliance of domestic laws with them by countries is the most important and clearest form of proliferation of these rules in the world. Regarding other international documents and standards, there are also norms that the world community has accepted and reproduced.

One of the main prerequisites for the realization and implementation of human rights in international societies is the maintenance of international peace and security among all human societies and among governments.

The main purpose of the establishment of the Human Rights Council in the United Nations was that this council could assume universal respect for the protection of human rights and guarantee basic freedoms for all people regardless of political, social, economic and cultural differences among the people of the world.

The United Nations has been able to provide humanitarian services to people all over the world by forming organizations in different parts of the United Nations.

Civilian and uniformed personnel in peacekeeping missions support ceasefires, prevent and respond to violence, investigate human rights violations, and contribute to peacebuilding, recovery, and development in many conflict-affected countries. There is no doubt that lives are saved and changed by their presence.

International UN Peacekeeper Day on 29 May is an opportunity to recognize the service and sacrifice of more than one million personnel who have served under the Blue Flag since 1948. It is also an opportunity to honor the memory of more than 4000 peacekeepers. who lost their lives in the way of peace.

Civilian and uniformed personnel of the United Nations carry out missions to maintain peace and cease-fires, to prevent acts of violence, or to try to resolve and prevent violence, to establish peace and cease-fire among warring countries, or to respond to violence. Also, these humanitarian groups conduct research on the implementation of human rights in different countries or confront human rights violations in some countries and help to create peace, improvement and development in many countries affected by war and support it.

This year, the United Nations will hold this commemoration with the theme “Progressing People’s Peace: The Power of Partnerships”.

The United Nations, by forming research groups and placing representatives in different countries of the world, conducts research to evaluate and identify problems and issues surrounding people’s lives in different countries. By identifying these goals, decisions are made to remove obstacles to create a better life for people. The world visibly increases.

As we have witnessed in recent years, phenomena such as war and embargo, political and economic problems among countries are growing and increasing. This issue has caused livelihood, political and social problems for ordinary people in the world. In recent years, a number of countries in the world have witnessed war and as a result many problems such as lack of food, lack of destruction of houses and the displacement of ordinary people from their homes.

In recent years, many countries of the world have witnessed various issues such as some problems.

Following the emergence of these problems, UN peacekeeping forces have carried out humanitarian measures to promote or improve the lives of disadvantaged people, especially in war-torn areas. By going to the affected areas and building and repairing destroyed houses, some of these forces provide a roof for the lives of innocent and war-stricken people. These construction groups include civil engineers and specialized forces and workers in the fields of building construction. Other groups also make many efforts in the field of humanitarian work and efforts to create world peace. For example, doctors, surgeons, specialists and treatment groups are also trying to help the disadvantaged people affected by the United Nations.

Also, humanitarian institutions and groups, groups supporting women and children, and traditional and religious leaders have also made humanitarian efforts to create world peace and raise people’s awareness to defend their rights. These humanitarian works and actions have always been prominent even among famous people, artists and athletes in the world and have played a significant role in awakening people and awareness and defending their rights.


Famous people and their role in world peace

Famous figures who use the media and their pages to inform the people, criticize the governments for peace and create peace and as far as they can through the media or even meetings to maintain security and peace and Supporting people, they do their best.

In between, the singers who have always informed the people using the media and their pages, or the singers who always mention world peace in their poems and songs, are also influential in creating peace or encouraging people and governments to world peace. have been. One of these artists, who has always been active in this field and has presented many works in the field of world peace, is the world famous and popular singer “Tupac”.

However, maintaining peace and security is only one of the many tools used by the United Nations to contribute to global peace and security for the people of the world and to create peace among countries around the world. This issue requires a collective participation, and if we stand alone, we definitely cannot do anything and succeed in creating world peace. do, we can change life for the better.

Therefore, we should thank all those who have done actions and sacrifices in order to improve world peace. We should also thank the youth, women, media, universities, traditional and religious leaders in different countries, military forces that support countries at war. those who risk their lives and defend the war-torn people against the aggressors, the host governments who support world peace and help the UN forces, and the police and other professionals who try in various fields to Thank you for helping to improve people’s lives.