A donation or financial aid is a gift that is allocated to individuals or groups for the purpose of gifts, humanitarian aid or for the benefit of a cause. Donating may take many different forms, including money, charity, services or goods such as clothes, toys, food or vehicles. Donation may also include medical needs such as donating blood or organs for transplantation. Also, by studying the history of Donate, it can be understood that donating in the framework of the common law of the ancient Roman Catholic Church was considered to mean donating, gratuitously transferring a right or something to another. In general, Donation is a voluntary, verbal or written contract that That person or group of the devotion expressly agrees to give something to the lender without any consideration, and he also accepts the gift in the same way. In ancient Roman law and in some new laws, this contract is simply the obligation to transfer ownership of the object discussed. For this purpose, a person is the owner, which can only be done through tradition, or by donating the object itself, or by observing certain regulations.

Legal aspects of Donate

Donations should be given in principle regardless of the expectation of return.

This non-expectation of return means that in common law an agreement to donate a donation is a contract not to pay in exchange for receiving a gift. This type of gift, which is referred to as a gift in the law, is only done when the gift is legally transferred as an asset. Also, donating money or property to charities does not include taxes. Since this reduces the tax revenue of governments, many requests have been made by different groups to ensure that the government has sufficient supervision on whether charities and non-profits really use these amounts for charity or not.

Donate act as a third party

You can also donate as a third party in honor or in memory of someone. Donations are given to third parties for reasons such as holiday gifts, wedding gifts, in memory of someone who has died, in memory of pets, or in the name of groups or associations that no longer exist. Memorial gifts are sometimes given by survivors. Sometimes, before his death, the deceased person states as a will that they give a gift in the form of money or property to individuals or charitable institutions, in this case, the type of donation and its amount, and the institution or person receiving the donation on behalf of the deceased person. It is determined and given to them after the death of a person. In another type of charity as a third party, people donate some of the property and assets of the deceased person as charity and gifts to needy people or charitable organizations on behalf of the deceased.

A donation is called a reward when it is inspired by a feeling of gratitude for the services rendered by the donor. In some cases, donations are made while the donor is still alive. These are only valid after the donor’s death and are always revocable until then. This type of deed is very similar to a will. However, when the donor has waived his right to revocation.

Also, in some complete and independent communities, the Roman Catholic Church may decide under what forms and conditions it accepts donations of religious works.

In other cases, legislation for other financial assistance is related to the government.